Build your own catalog.

At work.

Create a customized catalog for your customer

If your customer is interested in a specific product, there is no need to go through the entire catalog. Instead, you can build a personalized catalog using selected pages from our existing catalogs, ensuring that your customer only sees the most relevant options.

Follow this simple guide to access and use the Build your Catalog feature:


How to access the custom catalog feature

You can create a custom catalog in just a few steps:


1. Go to the catalog section

  • Navigate to the Catalogs page.

  • Select and open the catalog that contains the product(s) your customer is interested in.


2. Choose the relevant pages

  • When you have the catalog open, click on the burger menu and choose "Build your own catalog".

  • Browse through the catalog and select the pages that showcase the products your customer is looking for. 

  • You can pick multiple pages from different sections to create a tailored selection.


3. Compile your custom catalog

  • Once you have selected the necessary pages, you can see them at the right-hand side of the screen. 

  • When you are satisfied with your selection click "Create catalog".


4. Share or download the catalog

Open the link in a new tap to review the complied pages. You can then:

  • Download the PDF to save a copy for yourself or print it for in-person meetings.

  • Copy the link and send the catalog directly to your customer via email for easy access.


Why Use the Custom Catalog Feature?

  • Saves time by focusing only on relevant products.

  • Provides a personalized experience for your customer.

  • Makes the sales process more efficient and professional.


By utilizing this feature, you can streamline product selection and provide your customers with a tailored catalog that meets their specific needs.

Start creating your custom catalog today and enhance your customer experience.