EU legislation

At Kentaur, we do not just follow the rules. We strive to stay a step ahead and exceed expectations.

We stay informed about new regulations and requirements, so you can get assistance and guidance if you have questions about new EU regulation or other industry-related matters. Together, we can move the industry in a more responsible direction.

We keep ourselves updated on European Green Deal initiatives before they come into effect. This ensures we are prepared to meet your compliance needs while taking steps such as upgrading our IT infrastructure to handle the data you will require.

In 2024, we are focusing on the following:


Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)

We are conducting our first Double Materiality Assessment and Gap Analysis while preparing to collect data for reporting. In 2026, we will report for the first time using 2025 data.


EcoDesign Directive (ESPR)

We have initiated a cross-disciplinary project group to ensure all products meet the minimum ESPR requirements. Subsequently, we will update our design process and optimize our product range according to the incentive structure embedded in ESPR.


Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging (EPR)

We have partnered with a collective scheme, European Recycling Platform, which has branches in all EU countries, to ensure efficient and streamlined EPR reporting in compliance with national regulations.

We have established a project group to assess all our packaging and explore ways to increase recycling rates and achieve a higher environmental rating.


Digital Product Passport (DPP)

Although the textile industry is not required to comply with DPP until 2027, we have already started the process, as this adaptation requires a new approach to data and traceability. We aim to be ahead of the curve, ensuring we provide accurate, agile, and up-to-date data in good time before DPP obligations come into effect.


Product Environmental Footprint (PEF)

We are working on calculating PEF-compliant life cycle assessments for all products, enabling you to compare the environmental footprint of our products. This data is crucial in understanding each product's environmental impact before the usage phase and selecting those with the least impact.

It is important to remember that the usage phase is a major factor in the impact level. Therefore, we design all workwear with durability in mind, so you can use the clothing as long as possible, thus reducing environmental impact.


Green Claims

At Kentaur, we are very mindful of how we communicate about our sustainability initiatives and guide you toward products that contain more sustainable materials and/or are produced more responsibly.

We acknowledge that it's not easy. The downfalls of greenwashing are numerous, the documentation requirements are high, and the risk of misleading is significant.

We aim to be ethical, sincere, and transparent throughout the supply chain and towards our customers and end users of our workwear.

Therefore, we introduce Our Choice.

Our Choice replaces the Work Wear and Care-concept and Responsible Choice. It serves as a collective term for our work with CSR, sustainability, and a way to help you search for products.

We do not claim that Our Choice is a better option, but it covers a range of products that contain sustainable materials or are produced more responsibly. Want to know more about the materials? Read more here.


Focus Areas for 2025

Beyond the above initiatives in 2024, we are already looking further ahead.

The next steps include:


Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD)

Even though we are not directly subject to the directive, we will still comply with its rules and frameworks to be able to assist you.


EU Taxonomy

In 2025, we will also work with EU Taxonomy, so we are ready to report on this area from 2027.


Textile Labeling Regulation

We are closely following the development of the EU’s work on Textile Labeling Regulation and continually adjusting our efforts.


Due Diligence

Last but certainly not least, we will continue our efforts to ensure that none of our products are produced under forced labor. Today, our due diligence processes already go to great lengths to ensure that forced labor is not part of our supply chain.

In 2025, we will expand our efforts and examine how we can further strengthen our backup complaint mechanisms to ensure they are truly accessible to all members of our supply chain.