We have never believed in standing still as a state of being. Instead, we continuously challenge the conventional and the common. Always looking at the needs of professional laundries and users with fresh eyes. From new angles. And into new details.

When we talk about innovation and progress, we mean serious business. Because we believe in staying at the forefront. Always being steps ahead. Unceasingly attentive to the factors driving the workwear market, now and looking ahead.

We want to offer unique designs. Designs that show the effort we put in – all the way through. With us, nothing is left to chance. Every little detail contributes to the whole.

Our designs reflect our Scandinavian heritage, where clean lines and simple, timeless cuts form the foundation of our entire range.

Challenging the conventional.

At work.

We need to know the user. To understand the needs of each industry. That’s why we work with focus groups. With people from the industries, we develop clothing for. For them to give us insight into their daily life. And what features their workwear requires to ensure a fulfilling day on the job.

Ergonomics and fit are two crucial factors. The clothes must fit – on all kinds of shapes. Therefore, we use our colleagues in the development process. And adjust the clothes according to them. To ensure that everyone wearing Kentaur is wearing it with pride.

To ensure comfort, we choose materials that are comfortable against the skin. That lets the skin breathe and regulate body temperature. That are lightweight and thus do not weigh the user down throughout the day.

We place pockets where they are easy to reach – without obstructing tasks during the workday. We design cuts in the back and neck areas to enhance flexibility and alleviate pressure. To avoid discomfort and tension and to make the workday more enjoyable.

We develop features that make it easy and effortless to work in all kinds of temperatures. That easily can be taken on and off. That do not shift despite workdays with a lot of movement.

We think about the environment. And choose new materials based on their impact. To ensure a positive development in our company. And to offer you better alternatives to conventional materials.

In short, we are constantly exploring new and smarter ways to create utmost joy and foster growing success. For people at work.

Kentaur In The Makeing 0829

Masaaki Minamishima


For me, the design process is about creating a fresh and new design that sparks the user's curiosity. A desire to see more. To try the design. It's about creating the perfect balance in the combination of a new detail, a new quality, or a different cut, so the user can still see themselves in the clothes.