Kentaur visits supply chain in China

For us, it is important to know our supply chain. All the way down to the raw material producers. Not just from afar, but also in person.

That's why our Sustainability and Compliance Specialist, Katja Dam Kristensen, and our Textile and Sustainability Specialist, Line Nygaard Jensen, visited our suppliers in China autumn of 2023.

The goal was clear. To gain a better understanding of our supply chain, strengthen collaborations, and, most importantly, ensure our supply chain due diligence work.

Katja and Line visited dye houses, weaving mills, spinning mills, and material manufacturers of recycled polyester, elastane, and cotton.

Katja Sustainability & Compliance Specialist

Katja Dam Kristensen

Sustainability & Compliance Specialist

It's great for us to meet our suppliers in their world and everyday lives. By meeting in person, we get to know each other better, which makes communication much easier afterward. Seeing the production process gives us a better understanding of how it works in practice. It's also reassuring to see that the documentation and certificates match reality, so we can confidently say that we have our supply chain under control.

Katja and Line also visited several potential dye houses to find new partners. In this process, supplier visits are indispensable as they help us assess whether they meet our standards and expectations. This way, we can find the right match for us.

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