Meet our data partner.

At work.

We have partnered with Made2Flow to help us calculate the impact of our products, from raw materials to the delivery of our workwear to customers. By examining real-world data from our supply chain, supplemented with similar verified data from textile supply chains, Made2Flow calculates the impact of each product across all steps of our supply chain.

Learn more about what they do, and how they do it below.



Who is Made2Flow?

Made2Flow offers validated scope 3 environmental impact measurement solutions for the textile industry. Made2Flow was founded in Germany by industry veterans and environmental experts. To learn more about Made2Flow and their scalable solutions for the fashion and textile industry, please visit their website.

What is the benefit of measuring the environmental impact of products?

The only way to understand the effect different products have on our environment is by measuring their environmental impact and comparing their environmental indicators (Greenhouse gas emissions, water use, land use and more). Without measuring products’ impact, it is impossible to draw conclusions nor to work towards a positive change.

How is environmental impact measured?

Impact measurement is based on the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology in conformity with ISO 14040 and following the latest PEF-CR guidelines. LCA is a scientific methodology for assessing environmental impacts of goods, processes or services. It tracks the condition of the environment by using environmental indicators, a methodical tool that uses measurable variables to describe a complex environmental issue. There are multiple different midpoints which serve as calculated environmental indicators, - the main ones are greenhouse gas emissions, water use, land use and more.

What constitutes a high level of personalized data?

Made2Flow aims to base impact calculations on data collected from tiers 1-4 (final assembly - raw material production). High level of personalized data includes the disclosure of the following suppliers: final assembly, fabric mills and dyeing partners and for each, understanding their energy & water consumption, waste management and machinery in use for producing the specific product.

What is the difference between primary and secondary data?

Primary data is data directly from the supply chain, whereas secondary data is data from other sources such as previous LCA studies, previously collected primary data, etc. Primary data enables the personalization of Life Cycle assessment.

What kind of data is being gathered?

Made2Flow gathers data related to machine use, energy mix, water use, waste management, chemistry, and more. Made2Flow tracks the different processes that took place across the supply chain with the goal to determine the inputs and outputs of each process.

How does Made2Flow complete data gaps?

Made2Flow uses validated secondary data based on previously collected primary data and published LCAs. Made2Flow’s algorithm completes missing data according to its relevance such as time, geography and technology. Continuous data gathering permits to use recent and relevant data both in geography and representative to the specific process and sub processes.

Is geography / location a factor in the calculation of GHG?

Different electricity grids, even within different provinces, are important factors that influence the final product's environmental results.

What are Environmental indicators?

A practical system to track the condition of the environment. An environmental indicator is a methodical tool that uses measurable variables to describe a complex environmental issue. The main and most indicators are GHG (greenhouse gasses), water use and land use, but there are many more.

What does GHG mean?

Greenhouse gasses are those that absorb and emit infrared radiation in the wavelength range emitted by Earth. Measured in Kilogram Co2 equivalent (Kg Co2-eq), they include gasses such as carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane.

What does Water use mean?

The sum of water used in the direct-process or sub-processes (such as energy generation). Measured in cubic meters (m3).

What does Land use mean?

The environmental impacts of occupying, reshaping and managing land for human purposes. Measured in square meters (m2).

What is Scope 1-3?

Brands often declare they have reduced or will reduce emissions. When talking about sustainable targets, it is important to understand in which scope the change refers to.

- Scope 1: All direct emissions from the activities of an organization or under their control. Including fleet vehicles, air-conditioning, leaks & fuel combustion on site such as gas boilers.

- Scope 2: Indirect emissions from electricity purchased and used by the organization. Emissions are created during the production of the energy and eventually used by the organization.

- Scope 3: All other indirect emissions from activities of the organization, occurring from sources that they do not own or control. In simple words; the supply chain, the emissions from making the clothes. 70-95% of the emissions of the fashion industry are in scope 3. Lack of traceability and inability to perform data gathering prevent fashion brands from calculating their scope 3 emissions.

How is the value chain in the fashion industry divided?

The value chain is divided into 4 main tiers, as follows:

- Tier 0: Direct operations of the brand such as stores, warehouses and offices.

- Tier 1: Final assembly of the items, often referred to as cut & sew facility.

- Tier 2: Preparation and production of subcomponents such as fabrics and trims.

- Tier 3: Process of raw material such as yarn production.

- Tier 4: Cultivation, production and extraction of raw materials from earth, plants and animals, such as cotton cultivation, sheep farming or extraction of fossil fuels.