Safe. Clean. Professional.

At work.

HACCP & hygienjerisikogrupper

Workwear is more than just clothes. It is a work tool that is faced with various criteria that must be met before it can be used in a demanding work environment. This is the case for our HACCP collection. A collection of workwear, approved for three different risk groups.


Risk Group 1 – low hygiene risk

When the hygiene risk is low (when handling non-perishable food or ingredients) the protective function of workwear in relation to food is minimal. This applies to food that is adequately protected by the packaging or if it is to be further processed later by the producer or consumer.

Workwear in this category has generally to be changed weekly; if soiled, it may be necessary to change sooner.


Risk Group 2 – high hygiene risk

When the hygiene risk is high (when handling unpackaged perishable foods or ingredients), the protective function must be high, especially if the food is not to be processed further, and microorganisms can multiply in or on the food (for example, for foods that are sold unpackaged).

This category also includes processes where the food is processed either mechanically or manually, and where the natural bacterial flora is specifically targeted (for example, by heating, salting, preservation using chemicals, or drying).

Workwear in category RC2 is generally to be changed daily; if soiled, it may be necessary to change sooner.


Risk Group 3 – maximum hygiene risk

Where there is the highest hygiene risk (handling unpackaged, extremely perishable foods for immediate consumption), an extremely high protective function must be guaranteed, since the foods have not been stabilized by processing, and microorganisms, including viruses, can possibly multiply.

As appropriate for the highest hygiene risk, clothing in category RC3 must be changed daily, or more frequently if soiled.